Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Now I'm sure you've all heard of the song Fergalicous before, but I have made a new version for all of you sad depressed people out there who need some lovin'!!! Anyway, Claire, I have found out, is coming at three today. Speaking of Emo-ness and Claire, she made up this saying about our "role models" when she saw them at the pool. She made it because I was SO suprised tht they were at a pool! I mean how cool would it be to see my "boyfriend" at the pool, I mean, SO HOT! To tell you the truth, our peeps are kinda EMO. Sorry the saying, yes yes the saying, it was "Even though they have emo bodies on the outside, inside, deep,DEEP down, they need some sunlight." I think that that was the most hilarious thing ever! OK maybe not for you, but if you knew who they are, you'd die from laughter!!!! So "Emolicious definicious cut yourself like loco!!!"

Your Emo lovin' pal,


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