Thursday, June 14, 2007

Kero-kero-Keroppi!!! Everyday is fun!!!

When I woke up this morning with my TV on and the music was the Keroppi theme song! So I'm watching Hello Kitty and Keroppi and soon the cutest show in the whole entire world: Pochacco!!! Its that little puppy dog thats white with black ears. He's like the cutest thing ever, I'll put in a picture! I love Pochacco!!! Cute little puppy!!! Oh and I'll include Keroppi's picture too!!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Emo Picture

This is an emo picture I got for no apparent reason so please enjoy the emo-ness of this picture that I am sharing with you guys because I just love you all so much!!! My definition of being Emo is: To be emotional enough to hurt yourself for enjoyment. There you go! EMO!!! EMO-NESS!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A time for Dancing 2

I know I've already posted about this today but I'm going to tell you again. I'm so excited about the sequal to it and its coming in for me 2 days and I'm really happy cause my mommy ordered it and another book by that author for 30 DOLLARS!!!!!!!!! Again, 30 DOLLARS!!!!!! I'm excited!!!

Your Happily awaiting friend,



ME & CLAIRE JUST DYED OUR HAIR!!! WE DID IT WE DID IT! WE DYED OUR HAIR!!! Mine is really crappy looking inside but when I'm outside it looks AWESOME!!! But no, Claire's hair looks good anywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(


PS A note from Claire- Emi's hair actually looks good inside once you know that it looks good outside

A time for Dancing

The most freaking awesome book I've ever read in my whole life!!!
Thats why I changed meh name cause Jules had that cancer.

Again, I don't care if I've already posted 3 billion times today!

I'm kinda depressed and feeling the EMO vibe. Because Claire might not be able to get all he hair purple but it comes out in 8 washes and she washes her hair A LOT so I hope her parents will let her do all of her hair because if she doesn't then I'm gonna cry so hard then I'm gonna hurt myself in kinda an EMO way so that I'll die from blood loss.

Anyway I'm watching Legally Blond again and her professer is hitting on her and its a little weird so yes. Don't tell me that there is a 2nd movie because,yes, I do own it, and I'm not a HUGE Legally Blond fan but its a really funny movie!

So again, Your Emo feeling friend,


Too short of a post!

Hey all! Check out Claire's bloggypoo!!!



Now I'm sure you've all heard of the song Fergalicous before, but I have made a new version for all of you sad depressed people out there who need some lovin'!!! Anyway, Claire, I have found out, is coming at three today. Speaking of Emo-ness and Claire, she made up this saying about our "role models" when she saw them at the pool. She made it because I was SO suprised tht they were at a pool! I mean how cool would it be to see my "boyfriend" at the pool, I mean, SO HOT! To tell you the truth, our peeps are kinda EMO. Sorry the saying, yes yes the saying, it was "Even though they have emo bodies on the outside, inside, deep,DEEP down, they need some sunlight." I think that that was the most hilarious thing ever! OK maybe not for you, but if you knew who they are, you'd die from laughter!!!! So "Emolicious definicious cut yourself like loco!!!"

Your Emo lovin' pal,


Hair dye and Claire

Today is the day when Claire is coming over!!! We have decided to dye our hair different colors. Mine will be red and Claire is going to have purple, its gonna be awesome! So I'm all smiles today its gonna be fun!

If your wondering whats up with the hair dye, we have a reason and its a good one. You would get it if you went to our school! Its off two of our "role models" who had colored hair. If you know who I'm talking about, then don't use their names if you comment on this thingy...POST... so yes cause they could find out somehow and I would be SO dead!

So please don't kill me plez!!!

Your loving RED headed girl,


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I know I've already posted tonight but WHATEVER!

Tonight has come and gone. Swimming=Synchro! It was a pretty good workout for me, I'm getting back into shape!!! Right now I'm watching Legally Blond and one of my friends, Claire, is coming over tomorrow! We are going to do... stuff.... I have no plans whatsoever!!! So I hope we have a good time anyway...

Sincerly Yours Truly Beloved Blog Writter Girly Whirly Purly OH SO DEAREST

Emily Macintier McToshnoshbagosh (jk jk jk) just Emily...


This is my very first posting and I'm feeling the vibe! I hope all of you out there are having a good summer break! I just went to 2 graduation parties and they were awesome. I also went to a real graduation and they were throwing beach balls and a BIG red lobster. The past few days have been summer fun for me and I think its been a little TOO hot lately, don't you?

Well over and out, I'm going swimming tonight!
