Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Been a looooong time

WOWIE ZOWIE!!! Its been a super long time since I posted all this stuff!!! SO! I made a picture that I would like to share with you.
Yes, its beautiful isn't it? Mmmyes... But anyway, I have news to tell! I am happy...about life... But yes, the real news: I am getting better at drawing! Yay for happiness!!! Okay, I must leave to eat dinner!!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Sydney White is a funny movie

You should go rent it, cause its awesome!!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Hi lol

Lol! I haven't posted in like 4eva!!! Here's a funny pic!: I love the pic cuz i killed it!!! LOL i luv u all!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Kero-kero-Keroppi!!! Everyday is fun!!!

When I woke up this morning with my TV on and the music was the Keroppi theme song! So I'm watching Hello Kitty and Keroppi and soon the cutest show in the whole entire world: Pochacco!!! Its that little puppy dog thats white with black ears. He's like the cutest thing ever, I'll put in a picture! I love Pochacco!!! Cute little puppy!!! Oh and I'll include Keroppi's picture too!!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Emo Picture

This is an emo picture I got for no apparent reason so please enjoy the emo-ness of this picture that I am sharing with you guys because I just love you all so much!!! My definition of being Emo is: To be emotional enough to hurt yourself for enjoyment. There you go! EMO!!! EMO-NESS!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A time for Dancing 2

I know I've already posted about this today but I'm going to tell you again. I'm so excited about the sequal to it and its coming in for me 2 days and I'm really happy cause my mommy ordered it and another book by that author for 30 DOLLARS!!!!!!!!! Again, 30 DOLLARS!!!!!! I'm excited!!!

Your Happily awaiting friend,



ME & CLAIRE JUST DYED OUR HAIR!!! WE DID IT WE DID IT! WE DYED OUR HAIR!!! Mine is really crappy looking inside but when I'm outside it looks AWESOME!!! But no, Claire's hair looks good anywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(


PS A note from Claire- Emi's hair actually looks good inside once you know that it looks good outside